Japan Hospitality Movement Association

Japan Hospitality Movement Association
The Japan Hospitality Movement Association (JHMA) is a non-profit corporate body that actively engages in fostering awareness of hospitality.
We promote the development of environments that are more vibrant, welcoming and agreeable, whether for individuals, corporations, society, or the natural world.
What is Hospitality?
Hospitality is the friendly and welcoming reception of one person by another, of course, but it is also individuals mutually assisting one another for the betterment of society as a whole.
In corporate activities as well, hospitality not just for customers but also for employees and the local community increases job satisfaction, boosts creativity within the team, deepens local communal relationships, and promotes a more favourable economic environment.

The Japan Hospitality Movement Association established Japan’s only Hospitality Coordinator certification system within the Japan Hospitality Training Organisation. The organisation has become an important business focus of the JHMA.
Coordinators active throughout Japan organise practical activities to spread and increase awareness of hospitality in companies, regions and educational institutions, promoting the creation of environments brimming with hospitality.

Training Projects
The spirit of hospitality is essential not just in the service industry but in every industry and business sector. Our training projects provide learning opportunities for people who have a strong desire to take on the role of management on the front lines to be occupied by the next generation.
We invite first-rate lecturers from a variety of fields to facilitate seminars that are held regularly, both in person and online, so that as many people as possible can participate.

Omotenashi Standard Certification System
The Omotenashi Standard Certification System was established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to revitalise Japan’s service industries and regional economies. Certification helps make the quality of services in the service industry visible to customers.
As a major proponent for the Omotenashi Standard Certification System, the Japan Hospitality Movement Association handles and screens certification applications, and provides guidance for improvements.

About Our Association / Our Mission
In recent years, the term “hospitality” has been applied also to industrial, academic, governmental and private sectors, as awareness of its importance increases.
Social and economic frameworks have changed considerably since the dawn of the 21st century, with a blurring of boundaries between service industries and non-service industries, and between manufacturing industries and non-manufacturing industries. Today, hospitality is regarded as an important facilitator for many human endeavours.
Through our activities spreading and increasing awareness of hospitality, our mission is to promote environments where people in various fields mutually complement each other and exchange opinions without restriction, to encourage the creation of environments that are richer, more sympathetic, and more convenient, and to contribute to the development of social norms emphasizing hospitality.
Japan Hospitality Movement Association (NPO)
#404 THE MODULE roppongi
7-21-24 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to 106-0032

Copyright © Japan Hospitality Movement Association All Rights Reserved.